Monday, March 22, 2010

33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 27

Maternity clothes? can't get away from them. I'm about ready to pack them up and store them away for a while.

Stretch marks? still none!!

Sleep: my bladder is getting smaller and smaller and it's getting harder and harder to get comfortable so sleeping is getting more and more difficult.

Best moment this week: feeling all of her kicks and punches, realizing how close we are to having a baby in our arms.

Movement: yep, she's still rolling around in there.

Food cravings: Lasagna

Gender: pearls, and tutus, and ballet shoes....I'm getting so excited about having a little miss priss.

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and I think I've had a few real contractions but nothing that has been consisent or uncomfortable.

Belly Button in or out? still in, at this rate I don't know if it will ever poke out.

What I miss? sleeping more than 2 hours at a time...its all in preparation for those late night feedings

What I am looking forward to: our first hospital class tonight on breastfeeding

Weekly Wisdom: I can have a natural child birth. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of woman do it every day so I know I can manage the pain and have a healthy natural pregnancy.

Milestones: only a few more weeks until she is full term!!