Thursday, June 23, 2011

The little one

Now that I've finally caught up on a few posts about Abigail's birthday and our vacation I need to update on the pregnancy and our second baby! This pregnancy has been pretty easy just like my first. Granted, I am way more exhausted at the end of the day but I think running after a toddler has alot to do with it. I'm 27 weeks now and things are going smoothly. As for weight gain, I've gained the exact same amount so far for this pregnancy as I did for Abigail at this point. My symptoms have been the same for the most part. I did have a day or two of vomitting the first trimester but it wasn't too bad. This baby has been a whole lot quieter than Abigail though. I feel some movements throughout the day but not nearly as much as I did for Abigail. And we went for the ultrasound a couple of months ago the baby was curled up like he/she fell in a toilet. It looked pretty painful. He/She had its feet by its head. The ultrasound tech just kept laughing. So, needless to say, we aren't finding out the sex of the baby. Tommy wants to keep it a surprise. I really really want to know but I think it will be fun the day of to surprise everyone.

I remember being so exacted with Abigail that i would deliver before the heat of the summer. Well it came back to bite me. I'm due September 19th so I will HUGE and uncomfortable during the hottest months of the year! And mom planned a family vacation to the beach in august. So I will be a whale laying on the beach by that point. But it will be nice to get away and spend some time with my parents.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
