Monday, September 20, 2010

All items have been deleted.

That is the message I saw Sunday morning when I tried to delete only a few pictures off of my camera (pictures that I already downloaded). The stupid thing decided to not only delete those few pictures but ALL of the pictures that were left on my camera. So that's why there was no cute post this weekend about Abigail eating her first bowl of cereal. I guess I'll just have to take more pictures of her making a mess tonight and just pretend it was her first time.

Anyway, we tried the cereal for about 2 or 3 nights and then gave up because she was getting aggravated with it and thus mom and dad were getting aggravated. But we tried again on Saturday night and she did great. She now opens her mouth for the spoon and she actually swallows the cereal rather than pushing it out of her mouth with her tongue.We've only tried rice cereal so far. I think after about a week of this we will try oatmeal then move on to vegetables then fruit. We also switched her up and she's now eating every 3.5 hours rather then every 3 hours. I know this doesn't seem like such a big deal but it makes our afternoon/night time so much easier. Before, she was eating at 3:00 then 6:00 then again at she eats at daycare at 4:30 then we feed her at home at 7:30 (cereal and bottle). Having only 1 feeding at night makes life so much easier. Hopefully she approves of this schedule. We've tried it for 2 days now and she's doing great. Well now you know everything about her feeding schedule. Look forward to a post about her bowel movements soon...just kidding :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

4 month doctor appointment

Abigail had her 4 month appointment on Wednesday and everything went great! She had no ear infections!!!!! The doctor said she is developing great. He gave us the ok to start her on cereal and then graduallly work our way to vegetables and fruits. We gave her cereal for a few days last week and she didn't seem to like it very much. I'll have to post the pictures. But we'll probably try again this weekend to see how she does. Here is her stats:

15 lbs 9 oz (85%)
24-1/4" long (40%)
Head circumference - 16" (40%)

I have lots of catching up to do on the blog. Expect a huge post sometime this weekend.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Sometimes Daddy needs a nap too.

I caught Tommy sleeping on Abigail's Boppy pillow the other day. We was playing with her on the floor and I guess he got a little tired. I know he won't be happy that I'm posting these and I'm sure he will pay me back for this but...Photobucket

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Abigail's christening was last weekend. She looked adorable in her little white dress. She did great during the ceremony. She probably thought she was getting a bath. She was a little fussy right before the water was poured on her head. But once she felt the water she was wide eyed and looking around. (Don't miss her 4 month post that was posted last night)

Our family

The crowd, all for Abigail! She's a lucky girl to have so many people that care about her.

My cousin and nephew praying over the holy water.

She wasn't very thrilled about taking pictures afterwards.

Abigail and her Parrian

Abigail and her nanny.

I think she's safe between those 3 big guy!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

4 months

Abigail is 4 months old today! You know what I'm about to say...she's growing up so fast. She has developed so much in this last month. Her coordination is so much stronger. And she's doing new tricks every day. Here is the pictures from her 4 month photo shoot.

Here is her stats:

-still size 2 diapers
- Mostly 3-6 month outfits, some 6 month outfits already
-We’ve started giving her a little bit of formula with her bottles. I have about a month supply of breastmilk in the freezer so I have stopped pumping – ALLELUA!
-so she’s now taking 3 oz of breastmilk and 3oz of formula every 3 hours. We’re trying out rice cereal tonight!
- She was doing great and sleeping through the night until she got sick a few weeks ago. She doesn’t wake up to eat but she’ll just toss and turn until we give her a pacifier. She’s getting back to her normal routine.
-She has already starting teething and she chews on everything, her hands, my hands, burp cloths, her clothes, teething rings, toys, etc.
-she’s developed her coordination with her hands and feet A LOT this month. Last month she was just batting at objects. She now grabs them (and puts them in her mouth). She’s been grabbing her feet a lot lately too and chewing on her toes.
-she talks/growls a lot now. She and I usually have a full conversation on the way to daycare in the morning.
-She starting to laugh out loud more and more.
-she loves being outside. When she was sick she would get pretty fussy in the afternoons and the only thing that would calm her down would be to take her outside and walk around or sit and watch Cajun. She’s definitely going to be an outdoor girl.
-she loves Cajun. She just watches him run around and smiles and laughs at him. I think Cajun loves her too because every time she’s outside and within his reach he kisses her and licks her on the face. It’s so cute. I think they’ll be good friends when she grows up.
-She rolled over from front to back a few hours ago…she’ll be crawling before we know it.

Playing Peek-a-Boo with Daddy

Chilaxin (chiling and relaxing) on her play mat

Caught talking to herself in the mirror.

Cheering on the Tigers to victory!

Pretending to cut grass with daddy.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Giggle box

Last night Abigail and I were playing and I was kissing her cheeks and she thought it was the funniest thing.

**You may have to turn down the volume because it's kind of loud**
