Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Choroid Plexus Cyst
Other than the cyst the doctor said she is doing great. Her heart is great. Her heartbeat was 140 yesterday. At the ultrasound she was measuring perfect for 18 weeks (40th percentile). The doctor was very reassuring that the cyst would not be a problem. He is required to tell us about it. And he suggests the follow-up ultrasound just to reassure parents that they should not be concerned.
I'm trying to stay positive and Tommy has been a huge support. I know many parents have to deal with things alot worse then this. We have been blessed so far with a very uneventful and perfect pregnancy. We just hope that we get nothing but good news for the next 4 months!
2010 is going to be a great year!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
21 weeks and Christmas
Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep there is no escaping them now.
Stretch marks? Thank goodness there are none yet
Sleep: Pretty good lately. Tommy bought me a preggie pillow for Christmas and it was really helped me sleep lately. The last two nights I haven't even gotten up to pee once.
Best moment this week: Christmas with the family and the first coat of pink paint on the nursery walls.
Movement: Yep
Food cravings: Still strawberries. On Christmas Eve, Tommy made me the best chocolate covered strawberries I have ever eaten. He's the best husband.
Gender: We definitely have pink walls.
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? still in but it's definitely not as deep as it was.
What I miss: getting on the scale and seeing the number go down instead of up...but it's all for a good cause!
What I am looking forward to: finishing up the painting in the nursery so we can put together the crib!
Weekly Wisdom: Wow we only have 4 more months to go.
Milestones: We got most of the nursery furniture in. The hutch is still on backorder. But I'm excited to get it placed it in the room and start setting everything up for our new arrival.
Christmas was nice this year. It started off horrible because Tommy got the swine flu on Wednesday and missed Christmas Eve dinner with my family and Christmas day with my grandparents. But he is much better now and well rested. We went to my parents house on Christmas Eve to quickly open up gifts with them. We didn't stay long because Tommy didn't want to pass on the flu and my uncle was having dinner at his house that night. So Tommy headed home and I went get some gumbo and open more gift. Christmas morning Tommy and I exchanged gifts. I gave him a Craftsman tool chest and a few other small things. He gave me a preggie pillow, some PJs, slippers, a craft organizer, a smoothie maker (for yummy strawberry smoothies) and few other things. We had a great Christmas. Then I went to my grandparents for their HUGE Christmas day lunch. Tommy had to miss out on this too. The food was great and I think everyone had a great time. We had Christmas with Tommy's parents and brothers on Sunday at our house. I really enjoyed having everyone over and using some of my serving dishes and wedding gifts that I don't use very often. It was very fun. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I can't wait for 2010! I know its going to be a very exciting for us with lots of new surprises.
Monday, December 21, 2009
20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 9 lbs.
Maternity clothes? My T-shirts are even getting a little tight.
Stretch marks? still none.
Sleep: Great
Best moment this week: Tommy feeling the baby kick.
Movement: Oh yes, and daddy was even able to feel her kick.
Food cravings: strawberries, any with strawberries, strawberry smoothie, strawberry lemonade, or just plain strawberries!
Gender: pink
Labor Signs: We're not ready for that yet.
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being able to move and twist without my body hurting.
What I am looking forward to: painting the nursery. We bought the paint this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: Time flies!
Milestones: Half way done with the pregnancy. It seems like we just started this journey and we're already 20 weeks into it. I can't wait to see that baby girl but then again I don't want the pregnancy to end.
Monday, December 14, 2009
19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 7 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep, its either comfy windsuit pants or maternity pants.
Stretch marks? None yet. I hope I can keep it this way.
Sleep: I can't get enough of it. I've been sleeping well and sleeping alot but I always wake up tired.
Best moment this week: shopping for a baby girl, all pink!
Movement: at least twice a day now. And if Tommy would keep his hand there long enough he would be able to feel it.
Food cravings: haha, to be honest I've been craving a margarita or strawberry daiquiri but I can't satisfy those cravings. So a strawberry smoothy had to do the trick.
Gender: pink, pink, and more pink!
Labor Signs: still none. I'm sure I'll feel a few braxton hicks soon. But I can definitely wait a long time for the actual labor signs.
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: eating and drinking whatever I want.
What I am looking forward to: getting the nursery furniture. Supposedly it shipped today.
Weekly Wisdom: I could spend my life savings on little girl clothes. I need to wait until after the shower before I go shopping again.
Milestones: Almost half way through the pregnancy, and it feels like the fun has just begun.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 5.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep, i have to wear maternity jeans now.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Getting better. I actually slept the entire night without a bathroom run on Friday night.
Best moment this week: Finding out we will be having a sweet princess.
Movement: every once in a while. I'm still waiting for it to be strong enough so Tommy can feel it.
Food cravings: carrots
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in, but i think my belly has finally popped.
What I miss: being independent and being able to lift on things and climb ladders, etc.
What I am looking forward to: Tommy feeling her kick.
Weekly Wisdom: sometime the hormones do take over and you become a little moody.
Milestones: It's a girl!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's a...
Monday, November 30, 2009
17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 6 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Still fitting into some of my pre-pregnancy shirts but I either wear comfy pants (sweat pants, PJs) or maternity jeans. My pre-pregnancy jeans just won't cut it anymore.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Decent. I still get up multiple times to pee.
Best moment this week: Feeling the little kicks
Movement: Yep
Food cravings: sweets
Gender: only 1 more day to wait. I'm so excited.
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: Being able to wear anything in my closet
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender tomorrow!!!
Weekly Wisdom: hummm, I don't know. Just enjoy the moment.
Milestones: Definately feeling kicks.
Monday, November 23, 2009
16 weeks
Monday, November 16, 2009
15 weeks and Arkansas
Total weight gain/loss: plus 5lbs total...yes I gained 2 lbs in one week. I was on vacation, okay?
Maternity clothes? even my T-shirts are starting to get a little tight.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Horrible lately. I wake up every 2-3 hours to pee and then can't get back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Feeling some movement, I think.
Movement: I think I'm feeling something every few days or so.
Food cravings: Mexican food
Gender: only 2 more weeks
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: getting a good nights sleep
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender on December 1st!!!
Weekly Wisdom: My belly is definately growing...I can feel the muscles stretching.
Milestones: Movement
We got back from Arkansas on Saturday. It was great, very relaxing. We just hung around at our cabin and walked around downtown hot springs. We even got a couple's massage on Friday which was awesome. I don't think Tommy enjoyed it as much as I did because he was a little unsure about getting a massage. But it was still very relaxing. But now we're both back at work and back to the real world! Have a great monday...and a great birthday for Tommy!
Happy Birthday Tommy!
I love you!
Monday, November 9, 2009
14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: plus 3lbs total
Maternity clothes? Still wearing the bella band with my pre-pregnancy pants.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Not so great lately, I just can't get comfortable.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat again.
Movement: I thought I felt something last night but I'm not certain it was the baby.
Food cravings: Gumbo
Gender: about 3 more weeks to wait
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: having normal taste buds. One minute something taste delicious and the next I want to spit it out.
What I am looking forward to: Vacation in Arkansas later this week and finding out the gender on December 1st!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Just waiting and dreaming.
Milestones: Hearing the heartbeat loud and clear.
I finally got over the cold I had last week. Thankfully it was not the flu. All I was able to take was Tylenol cold so luckily that helped and I think I'm back to normal now. We had our monthly doctors appt last Thursday and everything sounded great. The doctor was able to find the heartbeat right away. It was 162 bpm this time. I was able to record it on my phone and let everyone hear it at a birthday party for my cousin Saturday. I'm still waiting for my belly to pop. As of now it just looks like I'm fat rather than pregnanct. I'm sure it will come soon enough though.
Monday, November 2, 2009
13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: plus 1.5lbs total
Maternity clothes? Still wearing the bella band with my pre-pregnancy pants.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Not so great. I started to come down with a cold (or early signs of the flu) over the weekend and its hard to breath when your nose is stopped up and your chest is congested so sleeping has been rough since I cough so much.
Best moment this week: Squirt attended his/her first LSU football game!
Movement: getting closer to that time
Food cravings: anything
Gender: only 4 more weeks until we find out.
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: Nothing really, just enjoying the moment.
What I am looking forward to: Our vacation in Arkansas next week.
Weekly Wisdom: There isn't much you can take for the common cold or flu when you are pregnant
Milestones: Done with the 1st trimester
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
There is no way I can find the words to explain how thankful I am to have you in my life. Thank you not only for the last two years of marriage but for the last 8 years of being a part of my life. You are amazing and I could not ask for anything more. You are kind, compassionate, caring, funny, honest, easy-going, and so much more. I never thought I could love someone so much and you proved me wrong (yes, I said I was wrong!). I never thought I could open myself up to someone and share all of my thoughts and dreams and you proved me wrong yet again. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are so determined to help others and make things better that you don't let anything stand in your way. My love for you seems get stronger and stronger every day and just when I think I couldn't possible love you any more than I do already, some struggle or joyful experience makes it way into our life and whether it is good or bad, just experiencing those times with you by my side makes me love you even more the next day.
I am thrilled to be starting a family with you and take on the next adventure of our life. You have been an amazing husband and I can't wait to see you share that compassion and kindness with our child. Thank you for being such a great husband and my best friend. I can not wait to experience the rest of our lives together. I love you!
12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: plus 3 lbs total
Maternity clothes? I wear the bella band most of the time now.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Not so great lately. I've been waking up around 2:00 to use the bathroom and then can't go back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Shopping for our babies first furniture. We didn't buy anything but it was just awesome walking through the stores as a mom and dad!
Movement: Nothing yet, still have a few more weeks to go
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE
Gender: I started to think it was a girl for the first time this week.
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: I went out to eat with some friends at a mexican restaurant, those strawberry margaritas looked and smelled sooooo good.
What I am looking forward to: 2nd trimester here we come!!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't rush things...I still have 6 more months to enjoy this baby growing.
Milestones: almost 3 months down!
Friday, October 23, 2009
My crippled husband
He’s off the rest of the weekend and hopefully I can convince him to start looking at baby furniture. He thinks we have to wait until we know the gender before we can pick a crib. I want to get the furniture picked out that way once we know the gender I can go crazy with picking out bedding, decorations, etc!! We have a doctor’s appt on November 6th where we will hear the heartbeat again and schedule our appt for the ultrasound sometime in early December…that’s going to make for a wonderful Christmas. Speaking of the Christmas season, I have been so excited about going shopping on Black Friday. We’ve gone the last 3 or 4 years and I can’t wait to do it again. I already signed up on the Black Friday ads website and I’m waiting to receive email when they post new ads! I hope everyone has a great weekend!! GEAUX TIGERS!
Monday, October 19, 2009
11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:plus 2.5 lbs total
Maternity clothes? I went shopping this past weekend and bought 1 pair of jeans and few shirts. None of my normal jeans fit anymore.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Very good! I just can't get enough of it.
Best moment this week: Putting our name on the waiting list for a daycare! It was so exciting to list Tommy and I as the mother and father, just surreal.
Movement: Nothing yet, still have a few more weeks to go
Food cravings: Burger King burgers
Gender: I'm thinking blue
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: I'm slowly starting to sleep on my side. I've always slept on my stomach but it's starting to get uncomfortable.
What I am looking forward to: Our second anniversary next Tuesday!!
Weekly Wisdom: It's not's baby
Milestones: almost 3 months down!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
10 weeks and heartbeat
Total weight gain/loss:plus 3 lbs total
Maternity clothes? i need to go shopping soon. None of my jeans fit anymore
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Very good. I only get up once to pee!
Best moment this week: Hearing the heart beat (182 bpm). It was amazing!
Movement: Can't feel it yet, it won't be much longer
Food cravings: CHOCOLATE!
Gender: Everyone thinks it's a boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having the energy to stay awake with my husband until 9:00pm
What I am looking forward to: finishing up this turnaround at work so I can start shopping and looking at daycares
Weekly Wisdom: Take it one day at a time.
Milestones: We have a heartbeat!
Hearing the heartbeat on Thursday was amazing. I was a little nervous at first because it took about 45 seconds for the doctor to find it but once he did I couldn't stop giggling and smiling. Although I still don't think it has hit me yet that we will have baby in 6.5 months, it does seem more real now that we've heard the heartbeat. Now I know for sure that we actually have something in there. I have been one of the lucky ones and haven't had any morning sickness or major pregnancy symptoms besides fatigue. So hearing the heartbeat confirmed that we actually do have a baby!! I was joking around and said, "We'll since it's one heartbeat I guess it's one baby." And the doctor said not necessarily. He said you can't really tell with the doppler. When we do the ultrasound in December we will know for sure but we are all pretty sure that theres just one in there. He said my uterus would have measured a little larger at the last visit if it was twins. Our next appt is November 6th just a routine check and we hear the heartbeat again. Then four weeks later around December 3rd, we will have the big ultrasound and find out the gender! I'm so excited for that day.
I didn't do an update at 9 weeks. Work has been so busy lately. I work 5am until 6 pm 7 days a week. So by the time I get home I'm exhausted and go straight to bed. I haven't even had much time to spend with Tommy. My poor husband has been handling everything the last few weeks. He is so great. He cooks, cleans, cuts grass, he does everything. So when I get home he has supper ready and the house clean and I just eat, shower and sleep. He is such a great husband and he's going to make a great father!
Hope you have a great Sunday. I'm going back to work :-(
Thursday, October 8, 2009
One of the big ones
My mom is supposed to come with us this afternoon. Hopefully she can make it. We just found out that my little sister has a sis on her ovaries so my mom is trying to get her a doctors appt this afternoon also. Hopefully everything is ok with her. She's been in alot of pain lately.
Anyway, I'll update after the big appointment with the head count and heart rate! Have a great day.
Monday, September 28, 2009
8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:plus 2 lbs
Maternity clothes? none yet
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I've been sleeping very well lately and thank goodness because I could sleep all day long. Just last night though I got up 3 times to pee.
Best moment this week: finding out I don't have to work nights during our plant turnaround (see below)
Movement: The baby is moving now but I can't feel it.
Food cravings: mostly salty foods.
Gender: I'm thinking blue!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: staying awake
What I am looking forward to: Our appt. next Thursday to hear the heartbeat.
Weekly Wisdom: Just stay awake!
Milestones: 2 months down, 7 more to go!
So the plant I work in is going through a turnaround which requires work 24/7. I originally was scheduled to work 5pm to 5am. Thankfully that was adjusted to 5am to 5pm which is still a very long day but much better than working nights. I have an hour drive to work so that makes my work day 14 hours. It's going to be hard and I'm sure I will be very very tired but it's only for 3 weeks. And after this is over Tommy and I have decided to take a short vacation to Arkansas or San Antonio to relax.
Have a great week,
Monday, September 21, 2009
7 weeks
How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:plus 1
Maternity clothes? I bought a maternity shirt for $2 at a JCPenny sale. I can't wear it yet but it was just too cheap to pass up.
Stretch marks? None so far
Sleep: I could sleep all day long
Best moment this week: Telling everyone!
Movement: not for a very long time
Food cravings: any food
Gender: everyone is saying it will be a boy.
Labor Signs: not for a very very long time
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: having energy
What I am looking forward to: still waiting to hear the heartbeat!
Weekly Wisdom: Life is so short.
Milestones: Almost done with month 2.
I started taking belly pictures this week. I haven't uploaded it to my computer but I should have it posted this afternoon. Have a great day!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
6 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:minus 1
Maternity clothes? I bought a Bella Band last weekend.
Stretch marks? None so far
Sleep: excellent
Best moment this week: Telling our parents. My mom's face was priceless
Movement: not for a very long time
Food cravings: Breakfast food
Gender: Tommy keeps calling it a "him". I think that's just habit though.
Labor Signs: not for a very very long time
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having the energy to stay awake past 9 pm.
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat on Oct 8th! Tommy thinks there is going to be 2.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy it while it last!
Milestones: First OB appt last Friday. Everything went great. I go back in 4 weeks.
Friday, September 4, 2009
5 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: even
Maternity clothes? None yet. But I can't wait to go shopping
Stretch marks? None, thank goodness.
Sleep: pretty good, having to pee right before I need to wake up sucks but it's better than waking up multiple times during the night.
Best moment this week: Tommy left me a not saying, "Love, Tommy & Squirt"...It was so cute.
Movement: Nope...not for a very long time
Food cravings: Chinese
Gender: neither one of us even have a gut feeling
Labor Signs: No...not for a very very long time
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to eat and drink anything I want
What I am looking forward to: Telling our parents next weekend
Weekly Wisdom: Life is very precious
Milestones: One month down, 8 more to go!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Don't take life forgranted
Ironically, I found this video from another blog that I follow and it really hit home. You really can not take life forgranted. What a beautiful and strong little boy.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
4 weeks
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Can it be true?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Summer Rewind
In July we went on the annual family Toledo Bend trip. Last year was such a blast and we couldn't wait to go this year. The Toledo Bend trip has been an annual tradition for my family for about the last 10 years. The ENTIRE family goes and we all sleep in one HUGE lodge. We have about 40-50 people attend each year. Unfortuanately this is probably the last year for the trip since my grandparents' health is getting worst and the 3 hour trip to Toledo Bend is probably not great for them. We always have a great time on the trip and this time was no different. 13 of us went on a chartered fishing trip the first day and we caught over 180 sac-a-lait. Not to shabby. That was plenty to feed the whole crew that night. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and tubing behind the boat.
The following weekend was the girls weekend in Foley, AL, Fairhope, and Biloxi.
And next weekend we're going to VEGAS! Neither one of us have ever been so it should be a great time. We aren't big gamblers but I think just seeing everything in Vegas, the hotels, the shows, the casinos, will be alot of fun. We also plan to rent a car a go to the Hoover Dam which should be interesting. Well I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures of vegas to post next weekend. Hope you have a great week.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Stop and smell the roses
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's raining, it's pouring (ok maybe not pouring)
Until next time. GEAUX TIGERS!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
New patio
Then we tore it to pieces with huge machines
Whats that tall mountain in the back??? Well it's a soon to be pond with a waterfall.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorial Day weekend
Tommy had to work Saturday so I did more shopping and cleaned the house from top to bottom. Sunday we had a few friends and neighbors over for a crawfish boil. I think everyone had a great time. The crawfish were great and I got to play with 2 twin 6 month old boys. My neighbors daughters had twins in late November and they are so definitely gave me baby fever. Anyway, Monday we lounged around and watched Taken which was also a great movie. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would now.
And now Tommy and I are both fighting off a terrible cough. He went to doctor Tuesday and was told he had bronchitis. So I went to the doctor Wednesday and lucky I do not have it also but I have a upper respiratory I think we're mostly going to recuperate this coming weekend.
Friday, May 22, 2009
More Disney and Universal Pics
Magic Kingdom is a little kids dream come true and a parents nightmare. Little kids will love the fairytale atmosphere and seeing all of the things there read about in books. Yet parents will be bombared with THOUSANDS of kids running and screaming through the park. We choose to arrive very early and leave at about noon, which was perfect. The lines were shorter and we were able to get out right when the crowd was getting very large. The light show parade and fireworks at MK are amazing. That was my favorite part of the entire week. They played the song, "When you wish upon a star" while the fireworks went off behind Cinderella's Castle and Tinkerbell flew through the sky. It was just perfect. And the lights on the castle changed color ever few minutes.
It's a rice krispy treat in the shape of a Mickey Mouse head dipped in chocolate with oreo crumbs on the edges, M&Ms on one side, Butterfinger pieces on the other, and drizzled with white chocolate and caramel. It was abot 3 pounds of solid sugar. And he loved it! I think that was his favorite part of the entire week. Although he only ate one ear and then had to save the rest for later because it was so sweet.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Disney 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Prince Charming
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Catching up - Part Deux: Mardi Gras
Show me something mister…
Dione’s birthday shot
Don't forget to check out my catching up - part one posted earlier. Yep, two post in less than 1 hour!