How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 9 lbs.
Maternity clothes? My T-shirts are even getting a little tight.
Stretch marks? still none.
Sleep: Great
Best moment this week: Tommy feeling the baby kick.
Movement: Oh yes, and daddy was even able to feel her kick.
Food cravings: strawberries, any with strawberries, strawberry smoothie, strawberry lemonade, or just plain strawberries!
Gender: pink
Labor Signs: We're not ready for that yet.
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being able to move and twist without my body hurting.
What I am looking forward to: painting the nursery. We bought the paint this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: Time flies!
Milestones: Half way done with the pregnancy. It seems like we just started this journey and we're already 20 weeks into it. I can't wait to see that baby girl but then again I don't want the pregnancy to end.
Christmas Ornament Roundup
8 years ago
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