Poor Abigail is sick again. This time the doctor thinks it is allergies. So she's on breathing treatments now. A few days before she turned 2 months old she got sick with a cold and an ear infection. Well two ago she got the same thing, a cold and an ear infection. She finally got over the ear infection and now she has a pretty bad cough. So we went to the doctor on Friday and found out it's allergies. I hope this ends soon. The doctor also prescribed a 5 day treatment of steriods. She started the 1st day today and I think it's making her really really cranky. I could barely put her down all afternoon. I know this isn't my fault but I can't help but think of what I could have done differently to keep her from getting sick. I always thought that if I breastfed then she wouldn't be sick as often. WRONG. I'm really ready to start transitioning her to formula but I know this would be a horrible time.
I'm just ready for my little girl to feel better.
Poor, sweet girl. That must be so sad watching her cough and get a breathing treatment. I hope shes better soon. And stays WELL!
Awe, I hope she starts feeling better ASAP! Praying for her :)
You know that its not your fault silly, children are like sponges for germs. I'm certain that the roids are making her cranky, because the epidural spinal injection that i got, does the same thing. Paw Paw and princess are roid raging, LOL. She'll be better soon, stay stron, Love Dad
Hi! I am a new follower! I hope your little girl gets better very soon!
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Following you from Friday Trendy Treehouse, would appreciate a follow back, trying to build a following. Thanks! Cute pictures of the baby Abigail... you must stare at her all the time. :-)
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