Warning....Picture overload!! I'm trying to catch up on the blog for the last 2 weeks.
Abigail's 3 months picture.
-size 2 diapers
-I already miss her being tiny. She’s growing so fast and developing new skills every day.
-She's still taking 5 ounces every 3 hours and sleeping from 8:30-6
-She wears 3 months and some 3-6 month clothes. If it has feet on it it has to be 3-6 month, she’s just so long.
-She is very very nosey. She’s only been sleeping 1.5-2.5 hours at daycare ALL DAY. She just has to watch all of the other kids and she’s afraid she’s going to miss out on something.
-She takes a pacifier to go to sleep for naps during the day. She used to get pissed when she would lose the pacifier but now she just sucks on her fist until we put it back.
-She has started to click her tongue back at us. If she hears one of us doing it she will smile then start clicking back. Its so cute!
-She’s starting to get a little bald spot on the back of her head. When we lay her down to sleep and she’s not fully asleep yet she will shake her head from side to side.
_She LOVES watching TV. If its on and she’s eating she will lock into the TV and sometimes stop eating. We’ve had to turn off the TV a few times just to get her to finish eating.
-She loves sitting in the corner of the recliner. You'll notice that in most of the pictures.
-She's really starting to get interested in her hands and stare at them.
-She has been staring and analyzing her feet. I’m sure they will be making their way into her mouth very soon.
-She's starting to bat her hands at things
-smiling and cooing more and more. She even gets a little loud at times and tries to talk to us.
-she can tolerate tummy time for a few minutes and she’s up on her elbows and picking her head up very high. It won’t be long before she’s rolling over.
-She loves her room. When we bring her in her room she stares around at the walls and she loves her tree painted on her wall.
-She loves the Bumbo.
-loves listening to music. We usually turn up the radio in the morning while we are getting her dressed.
-I already miss her being tiny. She’s growing so fast and developing new skills every day.
-She's still taking 5 ounces every 3 hours and sleeping from 8:30-6
-She wears 3 months and some 3-6 month clothes. If it has feet on it it has to be 3-6 month, she’s just so long.
-She is very very nosey. She’s only been sleeping 1.5-2.5 hours at daycare ALL DAY. She just has to watch all of the other kids and she’s afraid she’s going to miss out on something.
-She takes a pacifier to go to sleep for naps during the day. She used to get pissed when she would lose the pacifier but now she just sucks on her fist until we put it back.
-She has started to click her tongue back at us. If she hears one of us doing it she will smile then start clicking back. Its so cute!
-She’s starting to get a little bald spot on the back of her head. When we lay her down to sleep and she’s not fully asleep yet she will shake her head from side to side.
_She LOVES watching TV. If its on and she’s eating she will lock into the TV and sometimes stop eating. We’ve had to turn off the TV a few times just to get her to finish eating.
-She loves sitting in the corner of the recliner. You'll notice that in most of the pictures.
-She's really starting to get interested in her hands and stare at them.
-She has been staring and analyzing her feet. I’m sure they will be making their way into her mouth very soon.
-She's starting to bat her hands at things
-smiling and cooing more and more. She even gets a little loud at times and tries to talk to us.
-she can tolerate tummy time for a few minutes and she’s up on her elbows and picking her head up very high. It won’t be long before she’s rolling over.
-She loves her room. When we bring her in her room she stares around at the walls and she loves her tree painted on her wall.
-She loves the Bumbo.
-loves listening to music. We usually turn up the radio in the morning while we are getting her dressed.
Now for all of the pictures.
I just happen to catch this one. So funny!

When did this kid grow up??? She already acts like she wants to crawl.

When did this kid grow up??? She already acts like she wants to crawl.

We've been doing alot of this the past 2 weeks. First Daddy was sick with a stomach virus then Abigail got sick with ANOTHER cold which led to ANOTHER ear infection which you couldn't tell because she was laughing and smiling all of the time.
Poor thing, she is much better now.
She is a cutie!!!
Following from New friend fridays!!
Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!!
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