You might remember in June of last year we started a HUGE project in our backyard. Well that project is now about 90% complete. Last
June we put in a
paver patio. You can see pictures of that process
here. Then in July we did the landscaping around the patio except in one small area. You can see pictures of that
here. We planned on putting a pond and waterfall in dirt hole/mound. Well almost a year later we have completed the pond/waterfall. It actually wasn't has hard as we thought. The
paver patio was MUCH MUCH harder. But poor Tommy had to do most of the work himself because a pregnant woman isn't much help. So we started out with this on Friday...
A not very attractive mound in our yard with a huge hole at the bottom.
And then Saturday morning we woke up and got to work putting in the pond liner and laying the rocks inside the pond. By about 12:00 (including a trip to the stone yard to get more rocks) we had this...

We finished placing the stones and pebbles and added water to make sure the pump and all the piping were not leaking.
Ahhh, it worked, it actually flowed!!!

So beautiful!

I was exhausted from carrying small rocks and squatting to pick up rocks so I went take a one hour nap at about 1:30. When I woke up Tommy had mulched around everything and finished up all the little details. He is so great!
This is so relaxing to come home to. I can definitely see us sitting on back patio listening to the waterfall while Abigail runs around the yard and plays with Cajun. I'm so glad we finished this project. I still need to do some landscaping around it and put lighting in the landscaping but all that can be done gradually.
It was worth waiting almost a year for this...

My side of the family is coming over on Friday for a
crawfish boil and I can wait to utilize the patio and show everyone Tommy's hard work. Everything looks great!
I LOVE the waterfall! It turned out really great :)
I is not done yet, but hopefully it will be complete before Baby Girl come
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