How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 26 lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? still none but my skin is starting to burn on the top of my stomach so I know my skin is stretching.
Sleep: I've been fighting a cold and chest congestion lately so sleep has not been very great.
Best moment this week: The baby shower. Seeing all of our family and friends and getting some awesome gifts.
Movement: We'll definitely have to enroll this girl in some gymnastics classes
Food cravings: nothing lately.
Gender: after all of the adorable dresses and pink clothes we got this weekend, she better be a girl. Not to mention, I made a pink and black tutu for her Friday...I can't wait to see her in it.
Labor Signs: A few Braxton Hicks each day.
Belly Button in or out? flat, when i cough it sticks out a little
What I miss? sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: watching her and Tommy interact...he's going to be such a great dad.
Weekly Wisdom: We're going to a baby to hold in our arms very very soon.
Milestones: less than 2 months!
Christmas Ornament Roundup
8 years ago
Ya'll are so awesome! I thought of you Saturday, glad you had fun at your shower...of course, I was at work :( But I have a box that will be making it's way to little Abigail real soon. So happy for you guys, enjoy these last few weeks when she's all yours. Love ya sweetie!
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