We had a great christmas and enjoyed speding time with family. Abigail had a great first christmas and she was all smiles and giggles the entire weekend. Thursday we had to bake cookies for "Santa".
She really wanted to eat them!

She was so excited to open gifts!
Christmas morning in her red dress!
The hundreds of gifts!

The chaos
Christmas Eve we went to my parents house, ate lots of food, and exchanged gifts. I got two Vera Bradley bags!! One of them is the Get carried away tote which is HUGE! Tommy calls it our spare bedroom because it is so huge. So we stuffed our faces there and enjoyed the company.
Nanny & Abigail
Then Christmas morning we exchanged gifts as a family. Of course we had to let Abigail open her gifts first. She was in such a good mood and really enjoyed all of the colorful toys. We bought her a lifetime hunting and fishing license because I couldn't think of much that a 7 month old would really want. So she got that a few little things (books, movies, balls, etc.). This picture tells it all. She was so excited!
Tommy had to go to work Christmas morning so after he left Abigail and I hung out at home and played with all of her new stuff. Then we headed to my grandparents for LOTs of food and more gifts. My grandparents have 8 kids, plus all of their kids, and grandkids...it was a PACKED house. But its so much fun. The living room is always full of gifts and the dining room is always FULL of food.
Tommy was able to come by and visit in the fire truck. And all of my little cousins had a blast looking at the truck. Tommy handed out hats and stickers. I think some of them were more excited about the fire truck then eating or opening presents.
We had a great Christmas and have so much to be thankful for in 2010. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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