We took Abigail to the doctor yesterday because her congestion was starting to worry me. Well, we found out she has an upper respiratory infection which has caused an ear infection in one ear. Oh Joy! I'm pretty sure she got it from something in the cabin in Toledo Bend. Tommy and I are both congested too so I'm sure we all got it from there. So she's on antibiotics and seems to be slowly getting better. Poor baby girl. I felt like a horrible mother...but from what I hear this sort of thing happens to babies all the time. I hope she gets better soon. We still have her 2 month check-up next Monday but they did check her weight and length yesterday. She's 12lbs 1 ounce and 24 inches long! She's definately growing!!
Awe, I hope your baby girl gets better soon! They grow so fast huh?!
Visiting from New Friend Friday. Hope your little one is feeling better! My son is almost one and we're going through our 4th ear infection now. It is definitely no fun when they're sick.
Hope you are adjusting to being back at work ok. It gets easier everyday!
wow, long baby :)
annnnd yes - ear infections are WAY too common =/ my son has had them multiple times and they are NEVER fun =/ hope babygirl is feeling better!
also - i gave you an award :) head on over to www.poagfamily.blogspot.com to check it out :)
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