Abigail is already almost 7 months old and I never posted her 6 month stats. Here is her pictures:

Here are her stats as of 6 months (11/5/10):
She is definitely moving around alot more.
She is sitting up on her own for 20 minutes or more without falling over.
She took her first plane ride on her 6 month birthday. We went to Seattle! She had a blast...that's a whole new post that I still need to write.
She's been eating solid foods twice a day and eating 7 ounces every 3.5 hours. We are moving her to solid foods 3 times a day.
At her doctors appt she was 17 lbs 9 oz (85%). 25 1/4in long (30%) and her head circumference is 17" (75%).
She is such a happy baby. She hardly ever cries unless she's really sleepy or hungry. Other then that she is smiling, and content.
She still doesn't have any teeth but she constantly likes to chew on things.
She wears 3-6 month, 6 month and some 9 month clothing.
We love her so much and couldn't imagine life without her. She brings joy to our life everyday!