It's been a LONG time since I've updated our blog. There is no way I will be able to go back and capture everything that has happened in the last 1.5-2 years so I will attempt to just start updating as I can. The kids have really grown. We've moved to a new town so I can be closer to work and be able to spend more time at home and less time traveling to/from work. Abigail started attending a PreK3 school and is doing wonderful. She's learning so much and is looking forward to PreK4. Connor just started talking a few months ago and now he speaks is full sentences. I was worried that he was behind in speaking but he seems to have caught up now. Our new neighborhood is AMAZING! The kids have lots of friends to play with that are all around the same age. We found the perfect spot! Our new house is great. We are enjoying the extra room and finally feel settled. We moved into the house in November. Here a few pictures of them practicing Tball. Note the use of bike helmets...they are very creative