Warning: Picture overload!!
I have so much to update on but first and foremost I need to post about Abigail's first birthday party!!
I decided to go with "You are My Sunshine" as the theme. I love singing this song to Abigail and apparently (according to my mom) my grandma used to sing this to me alot when I was a baby.
So I combined that with the fun and bright colors of pink, green, orange, and yellow to create her party. I go the invites from nelladesign on etsy. They came out perfect! I took forever to get just the right picture of here smiling for the invites. But I finally captured it one day while we were outside playing with Cajun.

I got her outfit from Too Too Cute Tutus (I found them on facebook). I was planning to make the tutu myself but things got crazy at work and, well, life happened so I just buckled down and let them make that along with the shirt. The shirt has a bright orange sun with a lime green "1" and her name is written in hot pink underneath the sun. She was a little unsure of the tutu at first but she managed to keep it on until cake time!

Abigail and her cousin Caleb. I think she's wondering why he's acting so goofy.

Her new wheels from Parrain and Aunt Lacie.

Enjoying the day! I can't beleive its already been a year. It has gone by WAY too fast.

The "sweets" table. You'll see a close up picture of her cake a little farther down. We decided to do cupcakes rather than a large cake for everyone else. It was so much easier. We just iced them in the different colors for the party and I stuck a cupcake topper in them and it was done. I'm disappointed I didn't take a picture of the cupcake toppers that took me weeks to make. They had a sun on both sides and one side said Abigail and the other side said either "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" or "You make me happy, when skies are grey". They came out really cute.

The birthday banner that I made from scrapbook paper. This was super easy and really quick to make. I saved it so I can use it for future birthdays too.

Daddy's little girl!

Lunch time...hot dogs and cheese puffs! Yummy. We decided to stay simple on the food. We just had hot dogs, chili, and various chips. Again, super easy!

The youngest of the kids at the party. Little Eli slept throught most of the excitement. It sure missed out on alot of fun.

Abigail's great grandparents and grandpa. She's very lucky to have 1 great great grandma, 3 great grandmas, and 1 great grandpa still alive.

Most of the boys. We only have one neice and a few friends with girls so Abigail is surrounded by boys all of the time.

Playing with granny on her new swing set from mom and dad.

Too cute, riding the "tractor" with Austin. Its really just a riding lawn mower but all of the little boys kept calling it a "trak-or".

The cake before she devoured it!

"Yummy, this is really good"

Haha, I love this face. She had a blast eating all of that sugar.

"Oh, yall want a bite"

"Here mommy, it's delicious"

This is my favorite picture. She was really tearing into that thing. She had both hands full of cake and icing.

She even had time to share with Cajun.

She wanted to give Cajun more but he was already full from licking up everything she threw on the ground.

The final masterpiece.

After taking a bath and turning the water orange we decided to open gifts.

She kept escaping so we put her in the wagon to keep her confined.

She loves her Granny and Pawpaw.
Having a serious talk about how she can not grow up too fast. She needs to stay little forever.

My sweet little princess.

1 of her great grandma's (my dad's mom) having a blast.

The ever growing Heidbrink crew.

Abigail and Parrain.

Abigail and Nanny

I think everyone had a blast. All of the kids left exhausted and I'm sure took really good naps once they left. Abigail passed out as soon as we brought her inside. Thanks to everyone that came out and made her day so special!