Thursday, December 29, 2011
Abigail & her baby doll with matching pjs
I Love his little cheesy smile
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The 3 months of sickness...and counting
So, needless to say, tommy and I are exhausted...and the doctors kids will be getting VERY nice gifts for christmas from all the money he's made from our weekly appointments the last 3 months.
Luckily Abigail seems to be doing fine. Connor still has an ear infection. He's had 2 rounds of amoxicillin, 1 rocephin shot, and is now on another oral antibiotic. He also still seems to have a little wheezing from the bronchiolities , hopefully that will go away soon. I'm ready to have a healthy house!
Friday, December 23, 2011
A few pictures of the little ones
They are both growing up so fast. Abigail seems to be learning something new everyday. And Connor is over 16lbs now. I have so much to be thankful for this Christmas.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Abigail's french
Stacey Heidbrink
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
19 months
She says 100s of words and repeat just about anything you say. We're trying to teach her a few French words too. She can string words together in sentences.
She's been singing alot of nursery rhymes lately too. Itzy bitty spider, i'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, Patty cake, rock-a-bye baby.
She can almost count to 10. She usually leaves out the number 4 for some reason.
She's quickly picking up her ABCs. She says most of them but will leave out a few here and there.
She's also really started to pretend play. She plays with her stuffed animals and baby dolls all the time. The other day I caught her teaching one of the dolls patty-cake. It was so precious.
She's VERY independent. I think the terrible 2s have started early. She's quick to tell you "Imma do it". And that she's in charge. She give us a run for our money. But timeouts seem to be working lately. She's gradually beginning to understand that she has to listen to us all the time.
She's growing up into such a big girl now. I look at her and then look at Connor and miss my little baby girl.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Big boy!
Family pictures 2011
We took family pictures last week and the photographer sent me a sneak peek. I couldn't be happier with them. They came out great! I can't wait to see the rest of them.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
16 months...almost 17
> I've been horrible at updating the blog lately. But life has been CRAZY lately. I'm very busy at work trying to get everything done before I leave on maternity leave. And being 39 weeks pregnant has slowed me down quite a bit. This pregnancy has been a little different than the first. I'm having lots of back pain, alot more swelling, and just more exhausted than I was with Abigail. I blame that on having to chase after a 16 month old and being able to just come home and lay on the couch.
> But anyway, on to the update on the "big girl". She has developed so much over the last few months.
> <image.jpeg>
> She's saying most 1 and 2 syllable words. Some come out a little different (like baffle for waffle). But her speech has progressed so much. She's such a parrot lately and tries to say everything we say.
> She started feeding herself with a spoon a few weeks ago. She does it every day at daycare but she seems to get aggravated at home when food drops off her spoon and then she gives up. I need to find out what type of spoons they use at daycare.
> Her sleeping habits have been HORRIBLE. When Tommy is home she's up at least twice a night and expects to be rocked back to sleep. For some reason when he's working she sleeps fine. I think she knows that daddy will take her out of her crib and rock her. We have to put a stop to that very soon!
> She got tubes put in her ears last week. I was hoping to avoid that whole thing but she kept getting ear infections that wouldn't go away.
> <image.jpeg>
> She has actually poo'd in the toilet three times. We're not potty training. But we do have a little potty in our bath room that she sits on every morning (with a diaper on) just to get used to the concept. The other day she said she needed to poo poo so Tommy hurried and brought her to the potty and she actually went in the potty. We were so proud of her. It's very early to start potty training so we're just going to let her decide when she wants to go at this point. We'll probably really start trying once she turns 2.
> She is such an amazing little girl and I dont know what we ever did without her. She's learning new things every day and we look forward to watching her grow up into an amazing young lady.
16 months...almost 17
I've been horrible at updating the blog lately. But life has been CRAZY lately. I'm very busy at work trying to get everything done before I leave on maternity leave. And being 39 weeks pregnant has slowed me down quite a bit. This pregnancy has been a little different than the first. I'm having lots of back pain, alot more swelling, and just more exhausted than I was with Abigail. I blame that on having to chase after a 16 month old and being able to just come home and lay on the couch.
But anyway, on to the update on the "big girl". She has developed so much over the last few months.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Geaux tigers!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
There's a first time for everything!
This isn't one of the 'firsts' that I wanted Abigail to experience so early on life. But, nonetheless, she broke her wrist while at daycare last Friday. So she'll be in a full cast for another 3 weeks.
They told us to keep the cast dry and clean. Haha...with a 14 month old?!? But she is doing great. She really hadn't seemed bothered by it at all. She had a splint and wrap on until we saw the orthopedic today and she hardly messed with that either. And she doesn't seem to be in any pain. She's certainly tough. I think I've cried more than she has.
We were planning a trip to the beach in august. But it looks like we'll probably have to cancel since she won't be able to do anything in the water. Oh well, at least its her left arm and right handed. And hopefully the cast will be off before the baby comes. We'll be praying for a quick recovery!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Visiting daddy at the fire station
By the smile in her face, I think she was enjoying herself.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The little one
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
San Antonio
Are we there yet?!?

Being silly in the hotel room!
The first night there we just walked around the riverwalk and relaxed. The next morning we headed to SeaWorld! We had a two day pass so we were able to enjoy the park and the waterpark.
Wake up San Antonio! - 6:30 AM
Riding the carousel in the Bay of Play. She had so much on that carousel. She was waving and blowing kisses and clapping! So adorable.

Picture with Cookie Monster. I thought she may be scared but she was fearless. She gave him high five and was actually holding his hand in this picture
Waiting to ride the carousel again. So excited
Giving high fives to Bert and Ernie! Again, she was fearless. She walked right up to them and gave them kisses.
Feeding the ducks!
In the Sesame Street portion of SeaWorld there was a little water park from toddlers. It was perfect for Abigail. They had little fountains and LOTS of sprinklers. She had a blast!
And lots of valve handles to turn. She had to go to each one and turn it.
"Follow me daddy! I'll show you. "
Running through the sprinklers with daddy! You can tell by the smile on her face that she was having a blast!

This is the best picture I was able to get. They all came out blurry for some reason.

"Come see Mr. Fishy Fishy"

Riding the carousel with Daddy this time.

Then she had to ride one last time with mommy.