Monday, June 28, 2010
Great weekend
Saturday we had a party with all if the people I work with. We were able to show off Abigail to everyone. She was the star of the party. I had a great time hanging out with everyone from work that I hadn't seen in a few months. Tommy is such a great husband and daddy and he watched over Abigail the entire time so I could relax and have a few drinks with everyone.
Sunday we hung out a home a little and went to Tommy's parents house for pizza and ice cream cake for my birthday...the diet has been put on hold.
Speaking of diet, I posted a few weeks ago that I started the 30 day shred...well I did it for about 5 days and then got "busy" with other things and I've only done it a few times since then. So I really need to get my butt in gear. I turn 26 today, so I want to lose 26 pounds. Hopefully going back to work will help. I've been stuffing my face with food since I've been home. And I plan on following the weight watchers plan. I lost about 15 pounds on weight watchers right before we got married and I loved the program. So I'm hoping it works for me again.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day

The blog has mostly been about Abigail the last few weeks so it’s only fair that I write about Tommy on Fathers day. I don’t even know where to begin. This guy is the absolute best husband I could ever ask for and he just seems so natural at being a dad. He got the diaper changing, feeding, burping, etc down pat. It’s like the minute Abigail was born he knew exactly what to do. I couldn’t ask for a better father for my child. He is amazing. And it takes my breath away to watch him rock her in the recliner and stare into her eyes while she stares back. I can’t wait to see the love between them grow.
He has been such a HUGE help the last few weeks. When he’s a work I have to change her, feed her, pump, then wash. When he’s home, he takes over. He does it all (except pump!). Abigail and I are so lucky to have him in our lives.
Happy first Father’s Day Tommy! We love you!

Ok enough sappy stuff...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Update and pics (almost 6 weeks old!)

Here's a few more updates:
-We started putting her in her crib in her nursery when she was 4 weeks. I cried the first night like a little baby but she did great!
-Tummy time seems to be working and she can hold her head up more and more each day.
-I'm on day 6 of the Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred. I'm trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. i have about 12 lbs to go.
-Tommy has been busy working and keeping up with yard work. Last weekend we cleaned up our backyard landscaping and he cleaned out the waterfall/pond. It looks great!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Happy One Month Birthday Abigail!

-She weighs 10.6 lbs as of yesterday.
-She’s in size 1 diapers
-She’s starting to grow out of some of her newborn clothes. She mostly wears 0-3 month stuff now.
-She eats 4-5 ounces every 3 hours.
-She’s taking breastmilk exclusively from a bottle now. Apparently nursing her was feeding her too quickly and making her spit up a lot of the milk. So bottle feeding it is.
-We’re starting to get on more of a schedule. I try to feed her around 7 or 8 in the morning as the start of the day and then she eats every 3 hours until 7 or 8 at night. Then its bed time and she does not eat until she wakes up. A few nights ago she went 6 hours between feedings, but she usually goes 4-5 hours at night.
-She is lifting her head very well during tummy time (and chest time with daddy!) and can hold it up for a quite a while.
-We haven’t heard many oohs or aaahs yet but this girl makes A LOT of noise. She grunts ALL the time. I definitely need to get a video of it. It’s hilarious, especially when we’re in the middle if a store and she starts grunting for about 45 seconds. We get lots of looks.