We finally got around to completing the flower beds around our new patio. Well we did complete all the beds. We still need to purchase everything for the pond and complete that corner. But everything else is complete. And it looks amazing. Everything around the hammock looks so tropical and peaceful. Tommy and I laid on the hammock yesterday afternoon and it was awesome. We both kept saying how great everything looked and how if felt good because we did it ourselves. There's just something in Do-It-Yourself work that makes it turn out even better. Below are a few pics. I don't have a picture with the hammock hanging. We have to take it down because our "lovely" dog does not think it belongs there and will try to rip it to shreads if we leave him alone with it.

And our pond is still left to be done. We like to call it "Phase 3" coming soon.

Other than that not too much has been going on around the Heidbrink household. My mother in law, sister in law and I went to Foley Alabama a few weekends ago to shop at the outlet mall. I didn't find any great deals. We also went to Fairhope, AL which was a pretty cool small town with little speciality downtown shops. It was a very pretty place. And finally we went to Biloxi and spent our left over money at the Hard Rock Casino. I need to catch up the blog on all of our summer activities.
Stay cool,