It takes a special kind of man to do what our husbands do,
But if you think about the way we live, you'll see we're pretty special too.
With 24 hour shifts, investigations and all calls
We've learned to fix our own cars, build bikes and patch the walls.
We calm the children's fears at night. Battle gremlins, ghosts and gnomes.
Dad would be here to do it, but he's saving lives and homes.
Now please don't get me started on what it takes to raise our kids.
I get enough advise from mom on do's and don'ts and did's.
But all the parenting tips and tricks she used when I was small
I've had to learn, in my case, don't really work at all.
I mean, really, what kind of threat is this for a kid who's being bad:
"It might be a couple of day's from now, but just wait 'til I tell your dad!"
We communicate by pagers, sticky notes and voice mail.
On Valentine's Day he e-mails virtual roses without fail.
Interrupted family dinners, he's working Christmas Day.
You sigh as you think of all the years that things will be this way.
Mom's got the kids, your coats are on, you're almost out the door.
This time you're really going out, unlike all the years before.
You think of all the fun you'll have when from his hip you hear a tone
Oh, well. Maybe next year. Another birthday spent alone.
You wave and yell, "I love you" as he rushes past.
Memorizing the smile he gives you for you fear it just might be your last.
You smile until he's out of sight before you let the teardrops pour,
Because even on this special night, there's folks who need him more.
You're our heroes and we love you, never get us wrong.
We know your days are rough, they're challenging and long.
But it takes a different kind of woman to marry this way of life.
You think it's tough to be a fireman? Try being a fireman's wife!
I found this poem on another blog and I really hit home. I can’t tell you how many times Tommy and I have argued over his job as a firefighter and everything he will miss because he will be working. I can’t help to think of when we have kids and if he will miss their birthday or their first Christmas or their first school play, etc, etc. I hate it, I really do. But I realize that he is doing something very special and something that not many people would risk their lives to do. And that makes me proud. Even though I don’t think I’ve ever said it to him I am proud to be a fireman’s wife. It’s hard, it’s lonely at times, it’s unpredictable but it’s my life and it’s my husband so I wouldn’t change a thing.